yt and widgyts: Multidimensional Data Visualization and Exploration

Madicken Munk

PyData (Ann Arbor, MI) 2019.03.13

About Me:
Nuclear Engineering, University of California, Berkeley Nuclear Engineering, University of California, Berkeley Radiation Transport Group, Oak Ridge National Laboratory BIDS Logo
illinois NCSA Logo DXL Logo

About Me:

The Carpentries git-novice Disc committee

About Me:

The Carpentries git-novice Disc committee
scipy school yt project

A (brief) introduction to yt

Project website
Project repository

yt project

Analysis and Visualization

Volumetric Data Support

  • Oct-based meshes
  • Structured, regular meshes
  • Unstructured meshes
  • Particles

Variety of Visualization Types

  • Slice Plot
  • Projection Plot
  • Profile Plot
  • Phase Plot
  • 3d surfaces and isocontours

Supporting Analysis Routines

  • Derived Fields
  • Clump finding
  • Data Filtering
  • Profiles
  • Histograms

A (brief) introduction to yt

Project website
Project repository

yt extension packages

yt: 4.0 and beyond

  • Domain context system
  • Path traversal and non-local analysis
  • Symbolic field system
  • Modularization of codebase

Domain Context System

  • Weather and Climate
  • Oceanography and Hydrology
  • Whole-earth seismography and tomography
  • Observational Astro
  • Nuclear Engineering
  • Neuroscience

Geographic Projections

Cf-Compliant Frontends

Medical Imaging with MRI data

Path traversal and non-local analysis

Symbolic field system

Data visualization and interactivity complement each other

Visualizing our Data Interactively

  • Interactivity allows on-the fly parameter tuning
  • ... it also allows for exploration
  • Reveals interesting science!
  • Allows science to be accessible
    • to non-scientists
    • to those that don't identify as "hackers"
    • to those that are new to the data

Tools Enabling Interactivity Make Science Accessible

ipyvolume, vaex, chaco

Using Jupyter Widgets out-of-the-box With yt

Rendering an Image

Rendering an Image

Rendering an Image

Rendering an Image

Rendering an Image

When might this become cumbersome?

$T_{server}=t_{signal}+t_{serialization}+t_{image\: calc}+t_{pull} + t_{display}$

multiply by $n$ interactions

What if

Pushing Data to the Browser Makes Sense as

$\begin{align}T_{client} &< T_{server}\end{align}$

\[\begin{align}n \cdot t_{client} + \frac{data_{dataset}}{r} &< n \cdot \bigg[t_{server} + \frac{data_{image}}{r}\bigg]\end{align}\]

\[ \begin{align} n &= \mbox{the total number of interactions} \\ r &= \mbox{the data transfer rate} \\ t_{client} &= \mbox{the total time to compute an image on the client} \\ t_{server} &= \mbox{the total time to compute an image on the server} \\ \end{align} \]

How might this happen?

\[\begin{align}n \cdot t_{client} + \frac{data_{dataset}}{r} &< n \cdot \bigg[t_{server} + \frac{data_{image}}{r}\bigg]\end{align}\]




Using widgyts

What does this mean?

With a single, fixed, up-front cost we eliminate the requirement to transfer n images between the server and client

This is useful in some, but not all cases

How it works: the first render

How it works: the first render

How it works: the first render

How it works: the first render

How it works: the first render

How it works: changing the colormap

How it works: changing the colormap

How it works: navigating with canvas interactions

How it works: navigating with canvas interactions

How it works: navigating with canvas interactions

How it works: navigating with canvas interactions

How it works: navigating with canvas interactions

    Why Webassembly?

    • fast
    • wasm objects work with javascript
    • sandboxed memory environment
    • reduces $t_{client}$

    Why Rust?

    • safe
    • performant
    • welcoming

wasm-bindgen : the rust side

                             pub struct VariableMesh {
                                 px: Vec,
                                 py: Vec,
                                 pdx: Vec,
                                 pdy: Vec,
                                 val: Vec,
                             impl VariableMesh {
                                 pub fn new(
                                     px: Vec,
                                     py: Vec,
                                     pdx: Vec,
                                     pdy: Vec,
                                     val: Vec,
                                 ) -> VariableMesh {
                                     VariableMesh {

wasm-bindgen : the js side

                             /* tslint:disable */
                             import * as wasm from './yt_tools_bg';
                             function passArrayF64ToWasm(arg) {
                                 const ptr = wasm.__wbindgen_malloc(arg.length * 8);
                                 getFloat64Memory().set(arg, ptr / 8);
                                 return [ptr, arg.length];
                             export class VariableMesh {
                                             static __construct(ptr) {
                                                 return new VariableMesh(ptr);
                                             constructor(ptr) {
                                                 this.ptr = ptr;
                                         free() {
                                             const ptr = this.ptr;
                                             this.ptr = 0;
                                     static new(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4) {
                                 const [ptr0, len0] = passArrayF64ToWasm(arg0);
                                 const [ptr1, len1] = passArrayF64ToWasm(arg1);
                                 const [ptr2, len2] = passArrayF64ToWasm(arg2);
                                 const [ptr3, len3] = passArrayF64ToWasm(arg3);
                                 const [ptr4, len4] = passArrayF64ToWasm(arg4);
                                 return VariableMesh.__construct(wasm.variablemesh_new(ptr0, len0, ptr1, len1, ptr2, len2, ptr3, len3, ptr4, len4));


This can then be released as a npm package

Demo: Pop II Prime

Limitations of this Widget:

  • requires a 2d data slice
  • potential limitation for data sizes
  • limited functionality
  • requires maintenance in multiple package ecosystems and languages
  • still early in development (yt-tools @v0.3.0, widgyts @v0.3.1)
  • the tools are new

Moving Forward

  • Broaden the functionality of the widget
    • Linking with data units and values
    • Allow for different dimensionalities
    • Leverage traitlet linking for multiple field types
  • Build out cross-functionality with yt
  • Restructure widget to enhance performance
  • Allow for data exclusion and filtering
  • Generate reproducible widgyt states


Installing the widget:

    we are on PyPI

    doesn't require Rust

    doesn't requre you to compile to webassembly

                            pip install widgyts
                            jupyter nbextension enable --py --sys-prefix widgyts

Installing the widget (development**):

    requires Rust (nightly) / node / npm, and compilation to webassembly

                            git clone
                            git clone
                            cd ./rust-yt-tools
                            wasm-pack init --scope data-exp-lab
                            cd ../widgyts/js/
                            npm install --save ../../rust-yt-tools/pkg/
                            npm install
                            cd ../
                            pip install -e .
                            jupyter nbextension install --py --symlink --sys-prefix widgyts
                            jupyter nbextension enable --py --sys-prefix widgyts
**it's never this easy
Thanks to:
    • Matthew Turk
    • the yt developers and contributors
    • Nathan Goldbaum
    • Kacper Kowalik
    • Sam Walkow
    • Britton Smith
    • Katy Huff
    • Patricia Schuster
    • Sean Law

Thank You!

Madicken Munk

twitter:@munkium         github:@munkm
This publication is supported in part by the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation's Data-Driven Discovery Initiative through Grant GBMF4561 to Matthew Turk.
Creative Commons License
yt and widgyts: Multidimensional Data Visualization and Exploration by Madicken Munk is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at