Leveraging Jupyter, Rust, and WebAssembly for Browser-Based Visual Data Exploration

Madicken Munk

Scipy (Austin, TX) 2018.07.13

About Me:
Nuclear Engineering, University of California, Berkeley Nuclear Engineering, University of California, Berkeley Radiation Transport Group, Oak Ridge National Laboratory BIDS Logo
illinois NCSA Logo DXL Logo

Visualizing our Data

Visualizing our Data Interactively

  • Interactivity allows on-the fly parameter tuning
  • ... it also allows for exploration
  • Reveals interesting science!
  • Allows science to be accessible
    • to non-scientists
    • to those that don't identify as "hackers"
    • to those that are new to the data

Tools Enabling Interactivity Make Science Accessible

ipyvolume, vaex, chaco

Using Jupyter Widgets out-of-the-box With yt

Rendering an Image

Rendering an Image

Rendering an Image

Rendering an Image

Rendering an Image

When might this become cumbersome?

$T_{server}=t_{signal}+t_{serialization}+t_{image\: calc}+t_{pull} + t_{display}$

multiply by $n$ interactions

What if

Pushing Data to the Browser Makes Sense as

$\begin{align}T_{client} &< T_{server}\end{align}$

\[\begin{align}n \cdot t_{client} + \frac{data_{dataset}}{r} &< n \cdot \bigg[t_{server} + \frac{data_{image}}{r}\bigg]\end{align}\]

\[ \begin{align} n &= \mbox{the total number of interactions} \\ r &= \mbox{the data transfer rate} \\ t_{client} &= \mbox{the total time to compute an image on the client} \\ t_{server} &= \mbox{the total time to compute an image on the server} \\ \end{align} \]

How might this happen?

\[\begin{align}n \cdot t_{client} + \frac{data_{dataset}}{r} &< n \cdot \bigg[t_{server} + \frac{data_{image}}{r}\bigg]\end{align}\]




Using yt-canvas-widget

What does this mean?

With a single, fixed, up-front cost we eliminate the requirement to transfer n images between the server and client

This is useful in some, but not all cases

How it works: the first render

How it works: the first render

How it works: the first render

How it works: the first render

How it works: the first render

How it works: changing the colormap

How it works: changing the colormap

How it works: navigating with canvas interactions

How it works: navigating with canvas interactions

How it works: navigating with canvas interactions

How it works: navigating with canvas interactions

How it works: navigating with canvas interactions

    Why Webassembly?

    • fast
    • wasm objects work with javascript
    • sandboxed memory environment
    • reduces $t_{client}$

    Why Rust?

    • safe
    • performant
    • welcoming

wasm-bindgen : the rust side

                             pub struct VariableMesh {
                                 px: Vec,
                                 py: Vec,
                                 pdx: Vec,
                                 pdy: Vec,
                                 val: Vec,
                             impl VariableMesh {
                                 pub fn new(
                                     px: Vec,
                                     py: Vec,
                                     pdx: Vec,
                                     pdy: Vec,
                                     val: Vec,
                                 ) -> VariableMesh {
                                     VariableMesh {

wasm-bindgen : the js side

                             /* tslint:disable */
                             import * as wasm from './yt_tools_bg';
                             function passArrayF64ToWasm(arg) {
                                 const ptr = wasm.__wbindgen_malloc(arg.length * 8);
                                 getFloat64Memory().set(arg, ptr / 8);
                                 return [ptr, arg.length];
                             export class VariableMesh {
                                             static __construct(ptr) {
                                                 return new VariableMesh(ptr);
                                             constructor(ptr) {
                                                 this.ptr = ptr;
                                         free() {
                                             const ptr = this.ptr;
                                             this.ptr = 0;
                                     static new(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4) {
                                 const [ptr0, len0] = passArrayF64ToWasm(arg0);
                                 const [ptr1, len1] = passArrayF64ToWasm(arg1);
                                 const [ptr2, len2] = passArrayF64ToWasm(arg2);
                                 const [ptr3, len3] = passArrayF64ToWasm(arg3);
                                 const [ptr4, len4] = passArrayF64ToWasm(arg4);
                                 return VariableMesh.__construct(wasm.variablemesh_new(ptr0, len0, ptr1, len1, ptr2, len2, ptr3, len3, ptr4, len4));


This can then be released as a npm package

Demo: Pop II Prime

Limitations of this Widget:

  • requires a 2d data slice
  • potential limitation for data sizes
  • limited functionality
  • requires maintenance in multiple package ecosystems and languages
  • still early in development (yt-tools @v0.2.0, yt-pycanvas @v0.1.7)
  • the tools are new

Moving Forward

  • Broaden the functionality of the widget
    • Linking with data units and values
    • Allow for different dimensionalities
    • Leverage traitlet linking for multiple field types
  • Build out cross-functionality with yt
  • Restructure widget to enhance performance


Installing the widget:

    we are on PyPI

    doesn't require Rust

    doesn't requre you to compile to webassembly

                            pip install yt_pycanvas
                            jupyter nbextension enable --py --sys-prefix yt_pycanvas

Installing the widget (development**):

    requires Rust (nightly) / node / npm, and compilation to webassembly

                            git clone https://github.com/data-exp-lab/yt-canvas-widget
                            git clone https://github.com/data-exp-lab/rust-yt-tools
                            cd ./rust-yt-tools
                            wasm-pack init --scope data-exp-lab
                            cd ../yt-canvas-widget/js/
                            npm install --save ../../rust-yt-tools/pkg/
                            npm install
                            cd ../
                            pip install -e .
                            jupyter nbextension install --py --symlink --sys-prefix yt_pycanvas
                            jupyter nbextension enable --py --sys-prefix yt_pycanvas
**it's never this easy
Thanks to the following individuals:
    • Matthew Turk
    • Nathanael Claussen
    • Nathan Goldbaum
    • Kacper Kowalik
    • Britton Smith
    • Katy Huff

Thank You!

Madicken Munk

twitter:@munkium         github:@munkm
https://munkm.github.io/2018-07-13-scipy https://github.com/munkm/2018-07-13-scipy
This publication is supported in part by the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation's Data-Driven Discovery Initiative through Grant GBMF4561 to Matthew Turk.
Creative Commons License
Leveraging Jupyter, Rust, and WebAssembly for Browser-Based visual Data Exploration by Madicken Munk is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at http://munkm.github.io/2018-07-13-scipy.